Happy Easter!!!

Sorry for the blurry shot. . . best I could get with the crazy day we had and two sick little girls. Love to all and Happy Easter!

Ward Easter Egg hunt

Oh how we love our friends

We spent the night with our friends the Smiths at their house, and played and played and played. Lauren is Katie's best friend they love each other and drive each other nuts all while being perfect little two year olds. They just happened to be wearing the same shirt that night and loved that they were matching. Brooklyn however was tired and cranky from growing teeth so she fell asleep during dinner and was content to just recline in the high chair most of the night. Here are some photos of the girls that night. Enjoy!

New tires for Daddy

Ok so everyone here are some more pics of our beautiful girls, the pics of the truck are for Daddy so he can see his new tires if you are wondering why those are in there. Love to all! Miss you Daddy!

You can't help but love this pretty princess!

Travis and Tork

Hello everyone here are the latest photos that Travis has sent to us. These are pictures of Travis and "Tork" the puppy that the guys have adopted over there. Isn't he cute! Trav says he is a great "pick me up" for the guys. They went on a company run a few days back and Tork ran all five miles. Well hope you enjoy!

oh how we love those freak snow storms. . .

It snowed!! We had a crazy snow storm yesterday and last night, the final measurement was six inches. . .and the South thought we were done for the season. . . little did we know what the lord had in mind for us. Sarah and I couldn't help but take our girls out and play in all of its fun before the south temps came and melted it all away. Enjoy the pics! Miss you Daddy and Luc wish you could have been here to play too!

Courtesy of Sarah Stoelting. . .

Hello Everyone my wonderful neighbor Sarah has been super sweet and taking photos of my children. . . something I have been really really bad at doing lately. So here are some of the great photos she has taken for us over the last month or so. The sweet little girl you may not recognize in some of the photos is Sarah's little one Elsie. Isn't she cute! Thanks again Sarah!!