So some of you have been asking to see pictures of poor Rocket. Rocket was involved in an accident on I-80 east bound on the 30th of December. We hit a patch of black ice then the snow pack on the side of the road, which then pulled us into the center median. Rocket took care of us and no one was hurt. The girls thought it was fun and Preston slept through most of it. Two and half hours in the snow and we were back on the road heading home. Thank you USAA roadside assistance and the nice people who stopped to check on us. Thank you Evanston patrol officer for the nice expensive ticket and thank you Heavenly Father for keeping us safe. The man that went off right after us was ejected from his vehicle, we know that things could have been so much worse and are grateful for the protection and excellent driving skills of Travis who kept us safe and for Heavenly Father for his guidance. :-) Here are some pictures of Rocket's ouchy.