Last field trip of the year

Katie's class had their last field trip of the year.  It was at the local nature center.  They watched a puppet show, took turns looking out the observation deck with the binoculars, and then went on a little hike and observed nature.  She had a ton of fun and truly enjoyed all the fun things she saw that day.
  The kids loved the puppet show!  They learned about habitats and the importance of water.  Katie loved the Great blue heron in the play, just ask Grandma Charlene how excited she was to share her experience with her when she got into town that night.
Katie's two awesome teachers Ms. Michelle and Ms. Angie.
When Katie looked out the observation window she spotted this snake swimming in the river below.
Before heading onto the path they received some instructions about staying on the path and being quiet so they could see all the animals that lived on the reserve.  The following pictures are of the different  things they saw that day.
Those are turtles out on a rock in the middle of a pond.
They learned a song about a beaver and how he used his teeth it was pretty cute.  They were able to see the beavers dam that created the pond that the turtles are in and where a beaver had chewed on a tree.  Katie sang the song most of the day.
This little girl is from the other class and Katie and she became best friends on the field trip.  I love how easily kids except each other and become "best friends" in an instant.  I am not sure Katie even knew the girls name but they sure had fun.

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