So a few years ago we had a bird issue in TN on our back deck. My mom had seen on TV that if you place an owl on your back deck that it will scare the smaller birds away. So we went and purchased this owl. It didn't work the birds still crapped all over the deck however Katie found a new friend she was about two at the time. She played with that thing more then she did her dolls wouldn't let me get rid of it. So fast forward a few years to today and what do we find? Our Brooklyn has become attached to the dang thing and the other day she was throwing the biggest fit and I put her in my room to calm down and have a time out. A few moments later I walk in hearing that the room has become quiet and find my sweet little daughter curled up on my bed hugging that stupid owl. Maybe it's true what they say children love junk more than they do toys. I may have to remember that the next time I am looking at that big fancy doll house and just head over to lawn and garden and get her a garden gnome.
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